GDES-360 spring 2021 / David Ramos, American University Design
Means, medians, and distributions
February 17
Finish Change over time / Start Neighborhoods

Florida Shifts Further Right, New York Times.
- Means and medians
- Visualizing distributions
- Final critique for Change over time
- Start Neighborhoods
- Truthful Art ch. 7 (Visualizing Distributions)
- Nathan Yau, Summary Statistics Tell You Little About the Big Picture
In class
- BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook, Arts and Design Occupations
- AIGA/Aquent Survey of Design Salaries, 2014 (cf. past surveys)
- A List Apart “People Who Make Websites” survey, 2011
- AIGA Design Census 2017 (there is also a 2019 census, but I haven’t had a chance to work with the data)
- Design Census data, median/mean (ZIP)
- Design Census Workbench workflow