Typography (esp. for screens) and compositional principles
David Ramos (ramos@american.edu)
Type (especially on screen), grid systems, layout, and composition.
Typography; graphic design for screens
I’ve got too much respect for the discipline to call it “visual design.”
- Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style.
Ellen Lupton, Thinking with Type.
- The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web
- On Web Typography
- Google Webfonts that Don’t Suck
- TypeTester (tool to compare screen type)
- Guide to CSS Font Stacks: Techniques and Resources
- A Way Back: font stacks in great depth
- The Thinking with Type website has concise discussions of typography basics, with excellent visual examples
Fundamentals of design
- Following a Web Design Process (big picture view, aimed at large client projects)
- Taking the Guesswork Out of Design
- Design research and process (created for a media/journalism NGO)
- Design Process in the Responsive Age
- Photoshop for the web
- InDesign for the web (I’d recommend InDesign for comps over Photoshop)
- HTML/CSS code as part of design process (closer to how I work)
- Designing the Boston Globe’s new responsive site